3 min read
Using a Squid Container to Quickly Capture Requested URLs
Odds are whether you work in any Application or Infrastructure team, a someone will someday ask you "What are the URLs you need to get added to our...
3 min read
Odds are whether you work in any Application or Infrastructure team, a someone will someday ask you "What are the URLs you need to get added to our...
2 min read
An ambiguous name for a hard to track down issue! When you are doing a NSlookup for a blob endpoint on a Storage Account in a Virtual Network in...
7 min read
Howdy! In my previous article about Getting Started with Terraform I talked about what Terraform is, why it's neat-o, and a small example on getting...
4 min read
What is Infrastructure as Code? Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a broad term used for the approach and tooling to manage infrastructure in scripts...