Arkahna Hub

AI, DevOps, Coding and more

4 min read

Data Science via VS Code. Part 1: install, extensions, virtual env.

Welcome to the mini-blog series on data science in Visual Studio (VS) Code!

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2 min read

GitHub Copilot Workshops Across Continents

Over the past two weeks, we had the incredible opportunity to conduct a series of GitHub Copilot workshops in collaboration with our friends at Cyara...

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2 min read

Can't resolve Storage Account DNS from VNET, but can from Internet

An ambiguous name for a hard to track down issue! When you are doing a NSlookup for a blob endpoint on a Storage Account in a Virtual Network in...

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7 min read

Building Multi-Environment Terraform Projects in Azure

Howdy! In my previous article about Getting Started with Terraform I talked about what Terraform is, why it's neat-o, and a small example on getting...

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4 min read

Managed Identity Authentication with Azure REST APIs and Azure Container Apps

As part of an engagement with a client, I had to write guidance around using Managed Identity when interacting directly with Azure REST APIs on Azure...

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3 min read

Organising assets and access control in MS Fabric

This article is a direct follow up from my previous blog post where I laid out my approach to the Medallion Architecture and how I see it fit in...

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3 min read

Arkahna's Spin on Agile Risk Management

Welcome to Arkahna’s fresh take on agile risk management, where we’re breaking new ground in making risk discussions as integral to our process as...

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4 min read

Authenticating with Azure - Security principals explained

So you want to run some infrastructure as code on a GitHub actions or perform some other automation against Azure. The first step is to have an...

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6 min read

Medallion Architecture Meets Microsoft Fabric: Insights and Fiction

Microsoft wants to recreate the undeniable success of Power BI but with a wider data remit by including Data Engineering, Data Warehousing and Data...

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